





【1】据说John最后被送到医院抢救的时候,医院放的就是《All My Loving》. 而这首的主唱是Paul. 所以,John在生命最后的时刻听到的也许是Paul的歌声。

「close your eyes and i'll kiss you,闭上你的眼睛,我会吻你

Tomorrow I'll miss you; 明天,我会想念你

Remember I'll always be true. 记住,我永远都是真心的

And then while I'm away, 当我身在远方

I'll write home every day, 我每天都会写信回家

And I'll send all my loving to you.将我所有的爱都献给你」



【3】虫团解散后Wings的70s巡演,能找到的所有8个版本的《Call Me Back Again》都能听到Paul小声地在喊"John"。



「Because your number brought me joy.

I've called your name,John, every night since then.

But I ain't never, no no no, never heard you calling me.」

但是专《Venus and Mars》里面的版本没有。




It’s not we didn’t like each other. I’ve compared it to a marriage a million times and I hope it’s understandable for people who aren’t married, or anyone in a relationship. It was a long relationship. It started many, many years before the American public or the English public for that matter knew us. (John Lennon)


And the difference with working with John... well, there's nothing like John, so everything differs from John. I could go on for hours, but that's the explanation. (Paul McCartney)


I think it was like he was married to Paul. And now he was married to me so it was like a situation that he didn’t feel like he wanted to go back. John had a lot of respect for Paul and, of course, love. (Yoko Ono)

I used to always say to him, ‘I swear, I think you’re a closeted fag sometimes…’, because John would tell me ‘You know why I like you? You look like a bloke in drag, darling.’ (Yoko Ono)


I idolized John. He was the big guy in the chip shop. I was the little guy. As I matured and grew up, I started sharing in things with him. I got up to his level. I wrote songs as he did and sometimes they were as good as his. We grew to be equals. (Paul McCartney)

结合第3条。《Call Me Back Again》说的大概就是少年泡在最初对侬近似偶像般崇拜憧憬的心情吧。

“I said to [Paul], ‘For what it’s worth I just want you to know that John really loved you,’” said May Pang. “He said, ‘Oh, I know that.’ Then I said, ‘You know, we were going to come down to New Orleans because he wanted to write with you again.’ Paul looked at me and said, ‘Oh yeah … that would have been great.’ I could tell he thought I was just being nice.” Pang went on to say that McCartney seemed not to want to entertain the thought, perhaps because the idea of such a missed opportunity was too painful. A year later, however, at McCartney’s annual Buddy Holly tribute party in New York, the former Beatle rushed over to Pang as she was talking with Linda McCartney. “Tell her!” McCartney said. “Tell me what?” said Pang. “One of Derek Taylor’s postcards from John fell into our hands,” McCartney said. “John had written, ‘Thinking of visiting the Macs in New Orleans.’” The postcard was evidence to McCartney that Lennon had wanted, perhaps only briefly, to try and rekindle the greatest songwriting partnership of the century. (May Pang)



We wrote a lot of stuff together, one on one, eyeball to eyeball. Like in 'I Want To Hold Your Hand,' I remember when we got the chord that made the song. We were in Jane Asher's house, downstairs in the cellar playing on the piano at the same time. And we had, 'Oh you-u-u/ got that something...' And Paul hits this chord, and I turn to him and say, 'That's it!' I said, 'Do that again!' In those days, we really used to absolutely write like that — both playing into each other's noses. (John Lennon)






侬对泡近乎指名道姓的歌《How do you sleep》里唱"a pretty face may last a day or two."

Harry Nilson曾经提到John对他说过,"我就和其他所有人一样,Harry, 我因为Paul的长相而陷落了。"

He spoke the way James Joyce wrote. And to me he was the Beatles. He was always the spark. In a late wee-hour-of-the-morning talk, he once told me: 'I'm just like everybody else, Harry, I fell for Paul's looks. (Harry Nillson)

而Paul说过当他第一次听到这首歌的时候,就打算写一首《Quite Well, thank you.》(不过泡你还记得你们其实有《golden slumber》这首歌吗w)

而在很早很早的时候,Paul和John一起去电台节目,Johm称呼Paul为"pretty Paulin"。所以说侬对泡的"pretty"真的是念念不忘啊。

试问谁能不喜欢少年泡的pretty face呢。

关于初见,泡说自己是个chubby的school boy, 但是侬却说第一次见面他就觉得Paul像猫王。


Emmm...怎么说呢。泡儿的chubby school boy时期是有照片的,我作为泡的颜粉也得摸着良心说确实挺chubby,滤镜真心厚不过约翰列侬朋友。




They weren’t opposites. They were so alike and they, you know, the sad thing is that John isn’t with us anymore and who knows what would’ve happened and the friendship... You know, it’s the press; you read about history and you know it’s not really what really went on and that’s why I’m glad I got them smiling and I got to show people that, you know, they loved each other. They were friends way before I met Paul, they were friends and carried on being friends. It’s deeper than any of us will ever know. But, you know, it’s much easier to dismiss it. (Linda McCartney)




If I can't fight with my best friend, who can I fight with? (John Lennon)




But Paul would always give in to his dad. His dad told him to get a job, he fucking dropped the group and started working on the fucking lorries, saying, 'I need a steady career.' We couldn't believe it, so I said to him - my Aunt Mimi reminded me of this the other night - he rang up and said that he'd got this job and couldn't come to the group. So I told him on the phone, 'Either come or you're out.' So he had to make a decision between me and his dad then, and he chose me. (John Lennon)

HE CHOSE ME. 读到这句的时候我都能想象得到John是用怎样轻快又得意的语调说出这句话的:看吧,幸好你选了我,我们才会有Beatles!

而关于Paul的才华,虽然后期John死鸭子嘴硬嘲他只会写"Silly love songs", 但他也这么评价过:

I was saying to someone the other day, there’s only two artists I’ve worked with for more than a one night stand, as it were.  That’s Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono. I think that’s a pretty damn good choice...Now George came through Paul and Ringo came through George although, of course, I had a say in where they came from. But the only, the person I actually picked as my partner, who I had recognised had talent and I could get on with, was Paul. Now, 12 or however many years later I met Yoko. I had the same feeling. It was a different feel but I had the same feeling. So I think as a talent scout I’ve done pretty damn well. (John Lennon)








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